I woke about 6, just before the nurse came in to call me. I got up, had my last shower for a long time and got into the gown and stockings (still yuck). The nurse was back in again about 7 with my pre-med and I just settled down on the bed and kind of watched breakfast television on BBC. Obviously I was very relaxed by the pre-med because I only have a vague memory of being wheeled down to the recovery room. Then nothing at all until I woke sometime after 3 with a drip in my left arm, an automatic blood pressure monitoring unit on my right (which I nearly tried to start a conversation with on at least one occasion) and various drains and tubes coming out what seemed like all over the place. Mammy and Daddy rang sometime that evening and although I was able to talk I'm not quite sure what I said as I wasn't really in chatting form (also the nurse was quite annoyed that I'd actually answered the phone!). I dozed on and off through the rest of the day and night, I seemed to come too quite a bit that night/early the next morning and asked for some pain killers (co-promoxol) and something to help me get back to sleep. |