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 Tax Office

Again, when I started down this road I hadn't a clue what has required in terms of changing a name here in Ireland, I had plenty of examples from the UK but nothing here so for all those interested, here is my deed-poll as accepted by the High Court:

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS (which are intended to be enrolled in The Central Office of The High Court) that I, the undersigned NEW FEMALE NAME of MY ADDRESS in the County of Wexford, and Irish Citizen, aged 18 years and upwards do hereby on behalf of myself absolutely renounce and abandon the use of my name ORIGINAL MALE NAME and in lieu thereof assume and adopt the name of NEW FEMALE NAME.


AND for the purpose of evidencing such change of name I hereby declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds, documents and other writings and in all actions, suits and proceedings as well as in all dealings and transactions, matters and things whatsoever and upon all occasions use and subscribe the said name of NEW FEMALE NAME as my name in lieu of the said name of OLD MALE NAME so abandoned as aforesaid.


AND I therefore hereby expressly authorise and require all persons whomsoever at all times to designate, describe and address me by such adopted name of NEW FEMALE NAME only.


IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto subscribed my former name and adopted name this 5th day of March 1998.

 the said NEW FEMALE NAME formerly
OLD MALE NAME in the presence of:-
 (My signature in both names, the signature of my solicitor and a witness)


We, SOLICITOR of address in the County of Wexford, Solicitor and WITNESS of address in the County of Wexford, Secretary, both aged 18 years and upwards, make Oath and Say:-


 1. WE ARE the Attesting Witnesses to the execution of the within Deed Poll by NEW FEMALE NAME formerly OLD MALE NAME the party thereto.


 2. WE WERE present and saw the Deed Poll signed, sealed and delivered by the said NEW FEMALE NAME formerly OLD MALE NAME who is known to us and has identified himself to us.


SWORN at address in the County
 of Wexford this 5th day of March 1998
 by the said SOLICITOR and
WITNESS, before me Commissioner to
 Administer Oaths of the High Court in
 and for said County and I know the

COMMISSIONER FOR OATHS (signed by Solicitor, Witness and Commissioner)

Enrolled in the Central Office of the
 High Court the 7th day of July 1998
 Page xxxxx Miscellaneous Deeds Roll
 (Reistrars signature)

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