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  1. An té nach bhfuil láidir, ní foláir dó bheith glic.   
    He who is not strong must be clever.
  2. Ní mar a síltear a bítear
    Things may not be as they seem to be
  3. Muna bhfuil agat ach pocán gabhair, bí i lár an aonaigh leis.
    If you only have a buck-goat, be in the middle of the fair with it.  [Use whatever talents you have got]
  4. An té a bhíónn siúltach, bíonn scéaltach
    He who has travelled has stories to tell
  5. Giorraíonn beirt bóthar
    Two people shorten the road [because of the company]
  6. Ní huasal ná íseal, ach thuas seal is thíos seal
    Neither noble nor lowly, but up for a while and down for a while
  7. Ní bhíonn saoi gan locht
    There is no expert without a fault
  8. Is fearr an t-imreas ná an t-uaigneas
    The fight/argument is better than the loneliness
  9. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí
    Praise youthfulness and it will respond to you
  10. Ní thagann ciall roimh aois
    Sense does not come before age
  11. Ní neart go cur le chéile
    There is not strength until there is unity
  12. Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin
    There is no fireside like your own fireside [There's no place like your own home]
  13. Is minic cuma aingeal ar an diabhal féin
    It is often that the devil himself has the appearance of an angel
  14. Filleann an feall ar an bhfeallaire
    The crime rebounds on the criminal
  15. Ní feidir an dubh a chur ina bhán air
    You can't convince him that black is white
  16. Glacann bán dubh, ach ní ghlacann dubh bán
    White accepts black, but black does not accept white
  17. Is treise gliocas ná neart
    Cunning is stronger than (superior to) strength



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