Home Page | Committee Structure | Calendar of Events - 2002 | Membership

Present Committee:


Brenda Murray
Mary McRann
Rhona O'Grady

Royal Sun alliance
Royal Sun Alliance
Coyle Hamilton Ltd




Gaelic Football

Gents Golf




Ten Pin Bowling


Events Calendar
28th May 2002 at Beech Park Golf Club
20th September 2002 at Clontarf golf Club

About the Section
The ladies Golf Section started in 1991. The idea was germinating for some time in the minds of some, too old for hockey, but wanting to keep the connection with the Society, which was so dear to them. Those with the idea were new to Golf, so it was important to recruit a Captain and Secretary of known golfing ability. Sheila McGovern and Pat McGrath very nobly agreed to accept the challenge with Peggy Kearney as treasurer and they got the fledgling section off the ground. Companies were circulated to seek out those prepared to participate.

This produced 20/30 names of likely starters and once the Management Committee ratified our Committee we were ready for action.  It proved very successful and has continued to grow from strength to strength, with its numbers now standing at 100.

Each year we hold two outings, one in May and one in September with different venues being selected for each event, each year.  A match play competition is also run over the summer months, with the final taking place before the September outing where the presentation of the Match play trophy is made, also presented at this outing is the Silver Salver to the lady golfer of the year, which is given to the lady who has the best combined score over the two events.

If golf is your hobby, and you also enjoy the social side, hold a current official golf handicap, and are a private member, or your company is a member of the Dublin Insurance Athletic Society, why not give one of the members of the current committee a call, and join us for what we promise is always a great day out.

Trophy History

Royal Silver Salver

Jim Doyle Manager of Royal Insurance presented a Silver Salver to the Ladies golf section for their second outing in 1991.  This trophy was played for at the September outing each year until 1998 when it was suggested at the AGM in 1997, that the trophy be given to the player with the best combined score over the two outings each year.   It is now known as the 'golfer of the year' trophy.

Guardian Trophy

Deirdre Murphy during her term as Captain in 1997 suggested a match play competition be run each year, which was unanimously accepted by the ladies.  Guardian Royal Exchange presented a beautiful glass crystal trophy for this competition.

Home Page | Committee Structure | Calendar of Events - 2002 | Membership

Want to contact us ? Karl@dias-web.com