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 I keep hearing those voices...

More voice lessons

Lesson 4

This time we started onto longer 5 syllable phrases:

  • Return to London.
  • The kitchen is full.
  • Can I go with you?
  • Is it ready now?
  • Watch the performance

Followed by six syllable phrases:

  • Make room for the landlord.
  • Now take a drive in it.
  • Underneath the table.
  • Expert or beginner?
  • Far from the madding crowd.
  • She loves chocolate eclairs.
  • Find the right place for it.

Then we started on some short paragraphs and poetry, just to start getting used to putting it all together:

Sweet and low, sweet and low,
 Wind of the western sea.
 Low, low, breathe and blow,
 Wind of the Western sea!
 Over the rolling waters go,
 Come from the dying moon, and blow,
 Blow him again to me;
 While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps.


Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,
 Father will come to thee soon;
 Rest, rest, on mother's breast,
 Father will come to thee soon;
 Father will come to his babe in the nest
 Silver sails all out of the west
 Under the silver moon;
 Sleep, my little one, sleep, my pretty on, sleep.
-Alfred Lord Tennyson, "Sweet and low"


Lastly we started on some scales to try and start moving my voice up an octave or so. These consisted of just saying "Ahhh" until I could go no higher and then trying with "Ohhh" and "Mmmm" as well.

Lesson 5

This week was more or less entirely concerned with pitch and different methods of arriving at a higher than normal pitch.

Getting up there is a matter of lots and lots of practice, but once up there we started on sliding up and down my falsetto range just to start getting my vocal chords used to working in this new area and to discover what the lower part of the falsetto range was for me. This was followed by more practice in actually using my voice, by counting from one to ten and by saying the days of the week.

Final part for today was simply starting to observe what I say as well as how it is said. e.g. being aware of words a woman would never use (fortunately isdon't have many of those:) and being aware of the fact that when women speak they use much more descriptive language than men do. In other words they talk more about feelings and use lots more adjectives. As an exercise I have to write out a simple task, but to watch how I could use more adjectives as I write.

Lesson 6

Getting there slowly but surely :)
Today was simply practise on saying words and not simply singing them as one has a tendency to do at first. I surprised myself and my therapist by having no problem with this, I'm lucky enough to simply be able to snap in and out of my two ranges and talking gives rise to no problems (so far!)

 The only fly in the ointment is that I have a tendency to drop pitch at the ends of sentences and on some phrases so it is just a matter of taping myself and listening out for the problem words and locations and starting to increase their pitch

Now I've got a couple of weeks to practise the earlier easy voicing techniques and start to apply them to my new voice.

Remainder of Lessons

I've stopped adding lessons at this point as all we are doing is fine-tuning my voice, getting inflexions and intonation etc. right. Since this is going to vary from person to person I've decided that it is too non-general to put here.

But don’t let that deter you from going on to page 4 :)

 Voice1  Voice2  Voice3  Voice4
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