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My writing (some of it...)

The Guardian

Unfortunately, the Guardian changed its archiving system in early 1999 and didn't retain old files so I've lost the Web record of everything I have done for them (about three to four dozen pieces), until recent work. Sorry 'bout that. I'm now saving story pages, starting with...


    Linux's perilous victory 18/5/00 (the free software movement takes on the commercial world)


The Irish Times  

Net Results (a weekly column on business and the Web):
    A sizzling cautionary tale for running startups 26/5/00 (on burn rate and Burn Rate)
    US gets new law to protect children online 28/4/00
    IT companies' deep Irish roots not invulnerable 21/4/00
    End of an era as Apple finally matures 31/3/00
    Web offers perfect vehicle for debate 17/3/00
    True, free Interent access is needed now 10/3/00
    Loss making Amazon turns to bullying 3/3/00 (this piece, on Amazon and the patent disputes, ended up getting some US attention; the column of the 17th, above, explains what happened)
    UK RIP bill is killer blow to ecommerce 18/2/00
    Corporate perks brought to new heights 28/1/00  
    BT/Esat union a suitable partnership 21/1/00

Business features:
    Irish spend most money on IT 28/4/00
    Microsoft Cambridge lab unfazed by antitrust trial 21/4/00
    Microsoft wins extra time 31/3/00
    Cumbersome litigation damaging telecoms development 24/3/00
    British bill may drive ecommerce to Republic 24/3/00
    Stay anonymous if you want to stay unnetted 18/2/00
    No Y2K blood on the streets 5/1/00

General features
Another fresh start for Arthouse 20/1/00


    Windows on their World  (A trip to the Microsoft Museum and Company Store...)
    Festival in Search of a Medium: Milia (The Cannes new media love-in)
    Myst Partnership is Riven (The Cyan split -- a scoop; you heard it here first)
    Bill's Don (Roger Needham, head of Microsoft's UK research lab at Cambridge)
    Ulysses in Nettown  (James Joyce, the father of  hypertext?)
    Hands Off That Data -- I'm European! (The European and US data privacy clash)


Wired News
    MS' U.K. Lab: Litigate? Innovate! 17.Apr.2000  Microsoft researchers in Britain throw open their lab doors
    Ripping into U.K. Privacy Bill 23.Mar.2000  Britons continue to hotly debate a proposed privacy bill
    Irish, UK Crypto Regs Far Apart 16.Feb.2000  In England, they can jail a person for losing personal crypto keys
    Irish Y2K Efforts are Dublin  28.Dec.1999  The Emerald Isle appears to be prepared for Y2K 
    Xerox Not Doomed to Copy History  17.Dec.1999  Xerox's newly appointed top technologist outlines the company's plans 
    MIT Media Lab Goes Global  3.Dec.1999  The prodigious research facility spawns a European arm in Dublin, Ireland
    MIT's Media Lab: Dublin Reach 18.Oct.1999  A proposed US$200 million research and teaching center, led by Nicholas Negroponte
    Andy Grove: 'Go Net or Die'  21.Sep.1999  Intel's chairman says in the future, the only successful companies will be Internet companies
    Global Execs Back ICANN 16.Sep.1999  High-profile business execs says the world should get behind  ICANN
    PayPal Puts Dough in Your Palm 27.Jul.1999 In a few months, a new PalmPilot application will invite consumers to transfer money 
    Ireland Lures Cable Deal 6.Jul.1999  Global Crossing announces an US$80 million extension of its transatlantic fiber-optic cable
    Euro Telecoms on a Fast Track. 18.Jun.1999  Deregulation of the European telecommunications industry is expected to happen quickly
    Nasdaq: The World's Best Backup 9.Dec.1998  For the exchange to handle its billion trades a day, it takes millions of dollars of hardware
    The Dawn of the E-Shamrock?.Nov.1998  A report co-authored by Vint Cerf suggests that Ireland could  become a European e-commerce center
    Learning From Bats 10.Nov.1998  Brown University researchers are modeling how bats create detailed sonar maps of their worlds
    Teiresias on the Hacker Trail 29.Oct.1998  An algorithm developed by IBM to look for patterns in DNA strands is being used as a hacker alarm 
    And Man Created GOD 1.Oct.1998  If you want to get your new publishing company noticed, naming it GOD isn't a bad way to start
    Clinton Goes Crypto in Ireland 4.Sep.1998 
Encryption gets an unlikely boost when President Clinton 'digitally' signs an ecommerce initiative