Karlin Lillington
Born in Canada, brought to Silicon Valley as a prototype
(loud and squalling with very few useful features) for formative years, back
when "real estate" referred to fields of apricot and cherry trees
rather than silicon wafers. Old enough to have played hangman with a Rand Corp.
mainframe which occupied a room of its own (I lost). Science
studies mutated into a literature degree, and eventually a PhD in Anglo-Irish
Literature from Trinity College Dublin. Like
my father, I'm
now Dr Lillington, but he does lungs and
(bad) jokes. Well, he does a lot more than that, as you can see from what
other people say about him. My mom is the one who (as she says) "made
me strong" -- just like her, and her mom, and her mom's mom [grin].
Since the 1980s, I've studied and worked in either London or (mostly) Dublin. I write weekly for the Irish Times; and variously at times for The Guardian's Thursday technology section OnLine, Wired News, the San Jose Mercury-News, The Sunday Times, New Scientist, Red Herring, eCompany/Business 2.0, Industry Standard, Salon.com, Edge, New Media Age, Web Ireland, Decision, ZDNet's GameSpot, the Irish Sunday Business Post, the Irish Independent. Radio appearances include the BBC and RTE; television, RTE and TV3. You can find links to my writing here, if you're interested. Of course some of these publications are now defunct or have merged, but it wasn't my fault. Really!
The best part of this job is interviewing many intriguing figures in the technology industry and lots of researchers and innovators for various companies, institutes and universities, whose enthusiasm for what they do is infectious.
Other stuff:
Fitness swimmer, lapsed water polo player, cycling fan,
and long-time non-car owner. I'll travel just about anywhere.
I'm partial to Guinness, good whiskey, good music of all kinds, good food,
good books and people (good or bad). I share a little brick house in Dublin with two small calico cats,
two bikes, four
computers and an unknown quantity of books. You can email
me with enlightening comments, good links, loud opinions etc, if you'd like.