Nuclear weapons


Numbers of nuclear weapons, and a draft ICND leaflet: Why do we still need nuclear disarmament?

Information on nuclear weapons


General information about nuclear weapons is provided by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.


A source of information on the effects of nuclear weapons:

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.


Disarmament and the Corporate Connection, detailing companies involved in weapons of mass destruction, compiled by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki


The use of nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945:

Information is provided by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.

Irish CND holds an annual commemoration in Dublin on Hiroshima Day (6th August).

2005: Press release announcing the 2005 ceremony. Letter of solidarity to the Japanese Peace Walk and the commemorations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A report of the ceremony in the Sunday Tribune.

2004: Press release announcing the 2004 ceremony.

2003: Press release announcing the 2003 ceremony. Speech delivered by the President of Irish CND.

2002: Press release announcing the 2002 ceremony. Speech delivered by the President of Irish CND. Message sent to a conference in Hiroshima of Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb Survivors.

2001: Press release announcing the 2001 ceremony. Speech delivered by the President of Irish CND.

2000: Here is a report from The Irish Times (subscribers only) of the 2000 ceremony .

1999: Here is a report from The Irish Times (subscribers only) of the 1999 ceremony. And here is a report from the Irish Examiner of the 1999 ceremony .

1998: Here is a report from the Irish Examiner (headed 'Atomic blast blot on face of humanity') of the 1998 ceremony.

Commemorations are sometimes held elsewhere as well.

On the occasion of the visit of a delegation from the Gensuikyo (Japan Council against A and H Bombs), a short commemoration was held on 29th May 2001. Here is a press release announcing it.

A loan exhibition is available from Irish CND entitled The A-Bomb and Humanity. Prepared by the Japan Confederation of A and H Bomb Sufferers Organisations (Nihon Hidankyo), it consists of 55 mounted photographs and paintings of the nuclear devastation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those suffering as a result, and demonstrations against nuclear weapons, with explanatory texts in Japanese and English. There is also a 32-minute PAL video "The windmill of the earth". For further information contact here.

A summary of world developments up to 2002.

'Nuclear disarmament: a moral imperative': address by Rev. Patrick Comerford to the AGM of Irish CND, March 2007.

A letter to the British Ambassador on the proposed replacement of the Trident missiles and submarines, January 2007.

A letter on the new generation of nuclear weapons published in the Irish Times on 26 February 2003, from the President of Irish CND.

A letter on the continuing danger of nuclear weapons published in the Sunday Tribune on 26 August 2001, from the Vice-chairperson of Irish CND.


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