Programme cover by Keith Walsh

Directed by
Scott Johnston

Devised by
the company

Script by
Jim Daly

Choreography by
Libby Seward

Set and costume design by
Deirdre Dwyer
and Jeanine Storan

Lighting by
Michael Oates

The cast with blankies

This play was a devised collaboration that brought together Scottish director Scott Johnston, Waterford writer Jim Daly and 43 senior Members of WYD.

In the programme, Jim wrote: 'Scott and I began to notice the ubiquity of the word stuff in the lexicon of the young. It seemed to have many meanings...

'Out of that, an idea grew which became The Land of Stuff. It became a mysterious head space where childhood is left behind. But this Land could be revisited when life problems became intense. Problems in relationships between boys and girls, between mothers and daughters, exam pressure, the journey from the end of schooldays into the world, etc.

'In the Land of Stuff, young adults could find all their half-forgotten special toys. Toys to which they had confided so much when they were young, toys that knew all their secret desires and wishes. There too they would find that special blanket which always gave comfort.'

The cast with sponsors
FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Cathy Hanrahan, Conor Nolan (Waterford Corporation Arts Officer), Scott Johnston, Caroline Senior (Garter Lane Arts Centre) and Mark Fitzgerald (Bausch and Lomb Ireland Ltd)


Scott Johnston is the artistic director of the West Lothian Youth Theatre, the largest locally-based youth theatre in the UK. He has directed and devised shows in America, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, South Africa and the UK. His company scottworks runs workshop training programmes for organisations in the voluntary, statutory and business sectors.

He specialises in the work of Augusto Boal and the theatre of the oppressed. He also co-writes and directs for the popular Scottish stand-up comedian Bob Doolally.

Scott Johnston


This was WYD's sixth Summer Project. The Summer Project is produced in association with Waterford Corporation and Garter Lane Arts Centre and has the central aim of giving young people the opportunity of working with professional theatre directors.