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Jeanie Johnston
Councillors Say Maybe to Proposed Move to Ashe Hall
The matter was raised at the December 2000 Meeting of the Council at which the Councillors requested that a Report be prepared and presented to them for consideration within 3 months. Mr. Michael McMahon, Town Clerk, stated that if the Councillors were satisfied with the recommendations presented they could then authorise the preparation of more detailed drawings and have detailed costings produced.
Councillor Tommy Foley was more cautious, reminding the Council of their history. "10 or 15 years ago, we were chucked out of the Ashe Hall. We looked at two locations (one of them the Apolda building in Rock Street) which we found to be unsuitable", he said, "and we were absolutely delighted to move from the Ashe Hall to the newly-built Town Hall here in Prince's Street." He asked the Council to consider that they currently have "a lot of debts, including the Jeanie Johnston, the Steam Railway and Fels Point. If we move back to the Ashe Hall, which I agree is a beautiful building, are we making way for the Museum to move out? - I think its had it's day." He proposed that the Council consider staying in the existing building and extending it. "The one-stop-shop is a no-go - most of our business is transacted with the County Council, so there is no need for it. I'd hate to be tied closely to the County Council. After all, we are the Town Council in the Town Hall".
Councillor Risteard Pierse said that he welcomed the Plan and proposed that the Council endorse it.
Councillor Ted Fitzgerald said that he would need more time to consider the Plan and was anxious to get more details. "The question we must ask is 'What are the financial implications?' We all know there are hidden costs in renovating an old building. My natural instinct is to move back, but what about parking .... and the costs? These are matters which will have to be fully investigated before making a final decision".
Councillor Johnny Wall said that he was "all for it (the proposed move). The Ashe Memorial Hall is the finest building in town. It's been renovated over the past 20 years and I feel we are limited where we are in our existing premises".
Cathaoirleach Miriam McGillycuddy stated that, in principle, the idea was a good one. "The Ashe", she said, "is in the middle of the Town Park and would be an excellent location for receiving deputations. It's a municipal building." She stated that there is a crying need for a Civic Centre in Tralee and there are a great many Community groups in town who would use the existing Town Council building.
The Town Clerk, Michael McMahon, pointed out that the UDC had a number of tenants occupying the Ashe Hall but many of them had now relocated to other premises. The reason for commissioning this Report was because better accommodation was needed for staff and the public.
He said that "There is 653m2 of space available in the Ashe Memorial Hall at present. The building is in need of renovation (including windows and the roof) and it will be a burden on this Council for maintenance whether we decide to move back or not. The recommendation is that we move back". Addressing Councillor Foley's fears in relation to the involvement of the County Council, Mr. McMahon stated "Kerry County Council are not involved in any way with the Ashe Memorial Hall. Tralee UDC totally owns the property. There is also no proposal to interfere with the Museum or the Geraldine Experience. They will remain".
The financial aspect was addressed when the Town Clerk stated that it would cost approx. £2m to relocate to the Ashe Hall and that approx. £2.25m would be required to renovate the existing Town Hall. "If we extend the Town Hall we will have extra facilities for approx. £2m", he told Councillors, "but we will also have 653m2 of space in the Ashe to maintain! If we move to the Ashe we will have our existing building to dispose of as we wish. Better accommodation will also benefit Members for the transaction of their Council business. I suggest that we agree in principle. I know that detailed drawings and costings will be required before making a final decision".
It was agreed in principle that the Plan be accepted and a Committee be formed to meet with the Consultants to get further details on how it should be funded.