His Excellency Monsieur Gabriel de Bellescize,
French Ambassador to Ireland
Dear Ambassador,
At its most recent meeting, the Executive Committee of the Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Irish CND) adopted a resolution commending the government of France for its historic stand against war at the Security Council of the United Nations Organisation.
Your country has courageously stood up to and forced the world's only hyper-power to the United Nations to make its case before the world and for that all democrats must be grateful. The world listened and made its judgement against the war.
The government of France has consistently and courageously represented the views of its own people.
In addition, France has represented the sincerely held values and beliefs of most of the worlds citizens, including the people of Ireland.
This action of France and its allies may help to arrest what could be the most destructive and insidious effect of the illegal war now being waged: a feeling of powerlessness and disenchantment on the part of the world's peoples and the consequent erosion of democracy in the western world.
We earnestly hope your government will maintain this position in the face of any future threat or provocation.
As an anti-nuclear organisation, it remains our continuing hope that all countries in possession of weapons of mass destruction will disarm them sooner rather than later.
Is mise le meas,
Billy Fitzpatrick
National Chair
Irish CND.