Salvation is simple, being of God, and therefore very easy to understand.  Salvation lies in the simple fact that illusions are not fearful because they are not True.  They but seem to be fearful to the extent to which you fail to recognise them for what they are; and you will fail to do this to the extent to which you want them to be true.  And to the same extent you are denying Truth, and failing to make the simple choice between Truth and illusion; God and fantasy.

Salvation, Perfect and Complete, asks but a little wish that what is True be true; a little willingness to overlook what is not there; a little sigh that speaks for Heaven as a preference to this world that death and desolation seem to rule.  In joyous answer will Creation rise within you, to replace the world you see with Heaven, wholly perfect and complete.

Forgiveness is your Peace, for herein lies the end of separation, and the dream of danger and destruction, sin and death; of madness and murder, grief and loss.  This is the "sacrifice" Salvation asks, and gladly offers Peace instead of this.  Salvation is a paradox indeed!  It asks but that you forgive all things that no one ever did; to overlook what is not there, and not to look upon the unreal as Reality.  You are asked to let yourself be free of all the dreams of what you never were, and seek no more to substitute the strength of idle wishes for the Will of God.  How simple is Salvation!  All it says is what was never true, is not true now, and never will be.

Salvation is for the mind and it is attained through peace.  Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly peaceful all the time?  Yet this is what time is for, to learn just that and nothing more.  Timelessness became time to support the belief in DESTRUCTION.  It is a joke to think that time can come to circumvent eternity, which means there is no time.  Unweakened power, with no opposite, is what Creation is. Your wish to make destructive what cannot destroy can have no real effect at all.  There is no choice of function anywhere.  The choice you fear to lose, you never had.  Yet only this appears to interfere with power unlimited and single thoughts, complete and happy, without opposite.  You do not know the Peace of power that opposes nothing.  Yet no other kind can be at all.

Salvation is undoing.  If you choose to see the body, you behold a world of separation, unrelated things, and happenings that make no sense at all.  This one appears and disappears in death, that one is doomed to suffering and loss.  And no one is exactly as he was an instant previous, nor will be the same as he is now an instant hence.  Salvation does not ask that you behold the spirit and see the body not.  It merely asks that this should be your choice.  For you can see the body without help, but do not understand how to behold a world apart from it.

Salvation is no more than a reminder this world is not your Home.  Its laws are not imposed on you, its values are not yours.  And this is seen and understood as each one takes his part in its undoing, as he did in making it.  He has the means for either, as he always did.

The secret of Salvation is but this; That you are doing this unto yourself.  THE LESSON is the rock on which Salvation rests.  Here is sanity restored.  And on this single rock of Truth can faith in God's eternal saneness rest in perfect confidence and in perfect peace.  Reason is satisfied, for all insane beliefs are corrected here.  Here is the constant Peace you could experience forever.  Here is what denial has denied revealed to you.  Illusions are but beliefs in what is not there.