Such is the promise of the loving God; His Son have Life, and every living thing be part of Him, and nothing else have Life.  What you have given "life" is not alive, and symbolises but your wish to be alive apart from Life, alive in death, with death perceived as life, and living, death.  Life's function cannot be to die.  It must be Life's extension, that it be One forever and forever without end.  Everything else is your own nightmare and does not exist.  This is not a decision, just a simple statement of a simple FACT.  The Truth makes no decisions, for there is nothing to decide between.  What is Everything leaves room for nothing else.  God created nothing beside you, and nothing beside you exists, for you are part of Him.  What except Him can exist?  Nothing beyond Him can happen, because nothing except Him is Real.

The world you made has disappointed you since time began.  The homes you built have never sheltered you.  The roads you made have led you nowhere, and no city that you built has withstood the crumbling assault of time.  Nothing you made but has the mark of death upon it.  Hold it not dear, for it is old and tired and ready to return to dust even as you made it.  This aching world has not the power to touch the Living world at all.  You could not give it that, and so although you turn in sadness from it, you cannot find in it the road that leads away from it into another world.  Yet the Real world has the power to touch you even here, because you love it.  And what you call with love will come to you.  Love always answers, being unable to deny a call for help, or not to hear the cries of pain that rise to it from every part of this strange world you made but do not want.  All that you need to give this world away in glad exchange for what you did not make is willingness to learn the one you made is false.

You have made invisible the only Truth that this world holds.  Valuing nothing, you have sought nothing.  By making nothing real to you, you have seen it.  But it is not there.  What are shadows to the Living?  They but walk past and they are gone.  How does one overcome illusions?  Surely not by force or anger, nor by opposing them in any way.  Merely by letting reason tell you that they contradict Reality.  They go against what must be True.  The opposition comes from them, and not Reality.  Reality opposes nothing.  What merely IS needs no defence, and offers none.  Conflict must be between two forces.  It cannot exist between one power and nothingness.

You do not want the world.  The only thing of value in it is whatever part of it you look upon with Love.  Every Loving thought that the Son of God ever had is Eternal.  The Loving thoughts his mind perceives in this world are the world's only Reality.  They are still perceptions, because he still believes that he is separate.  Yet they are Eternal because they are Loving.  And being Loving, they are like the Father and therefore cannot die.  Leave the world of death behind and return quietly to Heaven.  There is no Life outside of Heaven.  Where God created Life, there Life must be.  In any state apart from Heaven life is illusion.  At best, it seems like Life; at worst, like death.  Life not in Heaven is impossible, and what is not in Heaven is not anywhere.  Outside of Heaven only the conflict of illusion stands; senseless, impossible and beyond all reason, and yet perceived as an eternal barrier to Heaven.