What do you want?  Light or darkness, Knowledge or ignorance are yours, but not both.  When you perceive both good and evil you are accepting both the True and the false and making no distinction between them, thus confusing Reality and illusion.  If you believe in both Truth and illusion, you cannot tell which is true.  Therefore, you cannot value one without the other, and evil has become as true for you as good.

Opposites must be brought together, not kept apart, for their separation is only in your mind, and they are reconciled by union, as you are.  Keeping opposites apart seems to keep them both alive and equal in their reality.  But when they are brought together, their joint acceptance becomes impossible.  You cannot have them both, for each denies the other.  Apart, this fact is lost from sight for each in a separate place can be endowed with firm belief.  Bring them together, and the fact of their complete incompatibility is instantly apparent.  Their joint acceptance then becomes impossible.

Perception changes, made to take the place of changeless Knowledge.  Yet is Truth unchanged.  It cannot be perceived, but only known.  What is perceived takes many forms, but none has meaning.  Brought to Truth, its senseless is quite apparent.  Kept apart from Truth, it seems to have meaning and be real.  You are the Kingdom of Heaven, but you have let the belief in darkness enter your mind and so you need a new Light.  THE LESSON is the radiance that you must let banish the idea of darkness.  It is the meeting place where thoughts are brought together, where conflicting values meet, and all illusions are laid down beside the Truth, where they are judged to be untrue.  The contrast between what is True and what is not is perfectly apparent.  Death yields to life simply because destruction is not true.

THE LESSON introduces the simple Truth into a thought system which has become so twisted, and so complex, you cannot see it means nothing.  The Truth is simple.  Complexity is not of God.  How could it be when all He knows is One?  He knows of One Creation, One Reality, One Truth and but One Son.  Nothing conflicts with Oneness.  The Truth is simple; it is One, without an opposite.  THE LESSON will show you that all meaning comes not from double vision, but from the gentle fusing of everything into ONE meaning, ONE emotion and ONE purpose.

God has One Purpose which He shares with you.  How long can contradiction stand when its impossible nature is clearly revealed?  Different realities are meaningless, for Reality must be One.  Heaven Itself is union with all of Creation and with its one Creator.  When opposites are brought together and not kept apart, the choice between them is nothing more than a gentle awakening, and as simple as opening your eyes to daylight when you have no more need of sleep.

THE LESSON shines with God's glory, for in it lies His power, which he shares so gladly with His Son.  It will remove all doubt, and every trace of guilt that the Son of God has laid upon himself.  Destructiveness becomes benign, and sin is seen no more.  It  holds the key to the dark door that you believe is locked forever.  You made this door of nothing, and behind it is nothing.  This key is the Light that shines away the shapes and forms and fears of nothing.  You will be released from nothing, and from all the works of nothing.

The Light of guiltlessness shines guilt away because, when they are brought together, the Truth of one must make the falsity of its opposite perfectly clear.  Keep not guilt and guiltlessness apart, for your belief that you can have them both is meaningless.  All you have done by keeping them apart is lose their meaning by confusing them with each other.  And so you do not realise that only one means anything.  The other is wholly without sense of any kind.  Nothing destructive ever was, or will be.

As darkness disappears in Light, so ignorance fades away when knowledge dawns.  Knowledge makes no attack upon perception.  They are brought together, and only one continues past the gate where Oneness is.  Light does not attack darkness, but it does shine it away.  It does this merely by showing you it is not there.  This Light has come to free you from the sleep of darkness.  You will awaken from the sleep of forgetting to the remembering of God.