Mr. Noel Dempsey - Minister for
the Environment and Local Government states "I am radically upgrading the thermal performance and insulation
standards for new houses with effect from 1st July 2002"
Element |
Performance |
Performance |
(W/M2) |
(W/M2) |
Current |
2002 |
Roof |
0.25 |
0.16 |
Wall |
0.45 |
0.27 |
Floor |
0.45 |
0.25 |
It is estimated that the new standards
will reduce energy requirements for space and water heating by 23% to
33% depanding on size of dwelling. On current patterns of fuel
use, this will give a reduction in CO2 emissions of more than 300,000
tonnes per annum.
Typical Build of a Timber Frame
Rendered Concrete
Block outer leaf
Breather Membrane
150mm Timber Stud
150 MM mineral wood insulation
Vapour barrier
Plasterboard 12.5mm |
= |
U - Value= 0.25
W/M2.k |
This is our current build, which we
offer to our customers as part of our standard package. This
easily satisfies the new regulations. Heating
Costs: Figures
for space and domestic hot water heating for a 1300sq.ft. house
per Year Euro |
kWh/m2 Yr. |
of CO2/yr |
Typical Masonary
cavity wall construction |
852 |
290 |
6.7 |
Timber Frame 150mm |
522 |
162 |
3.8 |
Saving |
38.7% |
/ 44.1% |
43.2% |
These figures will obviously increase
or decrease depending on size of dwelling. As can be seen our
Timber Frame will comfortably meet regulations, and significant
savings be made.
In it's Existing form a traditional
block construction will not meet the proposed changes to
building regulations regarding heat loss through walls (u-value).
Site Tests have indicated, that house's
built of traditional block have failed to meet existing
regulations. Instead of U-Value of 0.45, there has been recorded
values of 0.92 or higher.
On site test, Timber Frame
construction has shown, it is well within the existing
regulations. We as a company have promoted 150mm external studs,
which will meet the proposed new regulations.
It must be noted without exception our
clients have commented how warm timber frame houses are in
comparison to traditional block houses.
The savings on fuel will be
significant, in some cases, according to our customers it has been higher than 60%.
must act now
To meet the CO2 emmissions targets, we
have to conserve energy and to reduce emissions by
30%. Timber Frame is a well tried and tested product,
manufactured locally, we must now consider Timber Frame as the prime
method of construction for the future.
More Builders are now using Timber
"Since 1996 we have been using Timber Frame as the primary method
of construction, not only because of the easily controlled building
method, but also the substantial savings in heating costs, that are
enjoyed by our customers"
Micheal O'Driscoll, Manor
Park Homebuilders Limited.
Send us your architect's
plans for a free quotation.
The Timber Frame Company
Drinagh Business Park,
Sinnottstown Lane, Wexford
Telephone: 053 9144200 Fax: 053 9144079
Copyright ©
2000 - 2004 The Timber Frame Company, All rights reserved Designed By