Atari lives

Hexplay.lzh holds the latest version of the runner which you need for playing any game.

Anoraks.lzh holds all the bits of Anoraks of Doom and a manual. The King of Arbuthnia has disappeared and it may be your job to find him.
The other two parts of the Anchovy Trilogy, The Towers of Saucisse-Notah and Pizza Reaction, will be packaged as add-ons to this and therefore smaller.

Windy.lzh is Windy City Pains, a standalone adventure which takes place on the road from Arbuthnia to Saucisse-Notah, including the game manual and a guide to Mykinda by the Mykinda Organization of Businesspersons, set up to go in its own folder. It has been tested on a hard disk, a single floppy and the PC's A drive in Pacifist(!).

Hexaid.lzh is the editor plus a manual and the extra files for reading and changing Anoraks of Doom. If you want to see its capabilities, the Linux manual is nearly identical.

Hextools.lzh holds a small suite of programs which cut bits out of PC1s for various game-related purposes, and a collection of sample pictures.

Bumph.prg  is described in the game manuals. If you need it, you can download it. If you don't need it, then DON'T!
It addresses a slight problem I had with the Superboot shell, by deleting any old ASSIGN.SYS files lying about on the root of Drive C. This may not be what you want.
I had an acquaintance once who had at least four major misconceptions:-
1) Backups are for wimps
2) Your manliness is shown by the length of your ASSIGN.SYS
3) Clicking on a program is a better way to find out what it does than reading the manual
4) Any - or all (he was a bit incoherent the last I saw him) - of the above had anything to do with me.

Updated 5.4.98


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