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promoting team racing in ireland

Members of the Royal St George Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire - together with fellow competitors from West Kirby Sailing Club in England - who are credited with inventing team racing just over 50 years ago. Jump forward half a century and in 1999 the Team Racing World Championships were successfully hosted by the Royal St. George Y.C. and attended by two impressive Irish teams.

From these auspicious beginnings comes now the Irish Team Racing Association. Set up in September 2000, its mission is to promote team racing in Ireland. It aims to encourage participation in the sport, to raise standards of competition and to become actively involved in organising team racing events.

The newest feature of the Irish team racing calendar is a Saturday morning League, which will see at least six teams competing weekly in Dun Laoghaire harbour. The Royal St. George Y.C. has kindly allowed the use of its Fireflies and facilities and we look forward to a hotly contended event. For further information on the League follow the links on this site.

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