Knocknashee Hillfort

Knocknashee 'Hill of the Faires' is a fortified hilltop, although it was always known as a place of great interest because of the two cairns and the remains of 30 circular house sites it was not until with the use of aerial photography in 1988 that Knocknashee was identified as a hilltop fort. The fort is 700 metres long and 320 metres wide and is enclosed by two earth and stone ramparts covering an area of 53 acres. The site is situated on a table-top plateau with tremendous views of the Connacht plains. The image top left shows one of the cairns and the middle image the entrance to that cairn. The bottom picture shows the remains of one of the circular stone huts.

Situated: Knocknashee is a table-top plateau 7 kilometres NEN of Tobercurry. From Tobercurry take the N17 north for 5 kilometres to Carrowclare then take a left to a T-Junction then a right about 1/2 kilometre on your left is a farm house ask here for permission to climb the hill. Your efforts will be well rewarded.

Discovery Map 25: 556 190. Last visited May 2001.


Photos: Jim Dempsey.


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