
The top image on the left was taken at tomb Number 19, part of the Carrowmore group of sites, in the background can be seen Knocknarea mountain and on the summit of the mountain the massive cairn known as Queen Maeves Grave. The cairn has never been excavated but is believed to be a passage tomb, measuring around 200 feet wide and 35 feet high this enormous cairn can be seen from around 40 kilometres away.

It is along walk up to the top but is well worth the effort as the views of Ben Bulben and Strandhill are wonderful. There are several smaller cairns scattered around the mountain top, one of these is a passage tomb at Grange North.

Situated: On the Summit of Knocknarea mountain. Take the N4 north towards Ballysadare, then follow the signs for Strandhill at Redgate Crossroads you will see signs for Carrowmore right and Strandhill left go straight through and follow the signs for Medbs Grave, these will bring you to a small car- park follow the farm track from the Car-park.

Discovery Map 25: G 625 346. Last visit May 2001.

Photos: Jim Dempsey


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