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Something Borrowed

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue........

Old songs, New songs all borrowed. This album features the American traditional song Gallows Pole, once recorded on the Led Zeppelin III album.

1. Open Landscape
2. The Boys a Fool
3. My Body and Me
4. Show Me The Way
5. Andorra
6. Gallows Pole
7. The Roar of The Greasepaint
8. Cornerstone
9. Wounded Knee
10. Nothing To Show For It All
11. Dublin Town
12. The Last Rolling Stone
13. Cheerio

Musicians: Siard De Jong, Dom Torsch, Keith Donald, Joe Lahart, Kevin Flynn, Dominique, Paul Miller,Al Monod, Aidan Pierce & Jim O'Neill

Price: €20 excluding p&p
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