The power to leave behind everything that hurts you, and humbles you, and frightens you, cannot be thrust upon you, but it can be offered you.  When all reality has been withdrawn from what was never True, can it be hard to give it up, and choose what must be true?  Is it not welcome news to hear that not one of the illusions you made replaced the Truth?

The world is like the house set upon straw.  It seems to be quite solid and substantial in itself.  Yet its stability cannot be judged apart from its foundation.  What is the sense in seeking to be safe in what was made for danger and for fear?  What rests on nothing can never be stable.  However large and overblown it seems to be, it still must rock and turn and whirl about with every breeze.  Be not deceived by the illusions it presents of size and thickness, weight, solidity and firmness of foundation.  Appearances deceive, but can be changed.  Reality is changeless.  It does not deceive at all, and if you fail to see beyond appearances you are deceived.

Out of your natural environment you may well ask "What is Truth?" since Truth is the environment by which and for which you were created.  Consider the kingdom you have made, and judge its worth fairly.  Is it worthy to be a Home for a Child of God?  Does it protect his Peace and shine Love upon him?  Does it keep his heart untouched by fear and allow him to give always, without any sense of loss?  This is the only environment in which you can be happy.  You cannot make it, any more than you can make yourself.  It has been created for you, as you were created for it.

In Heaven is everything God values, and nothing else.  Heaven is perfectly unambiguous.  Everything is clear and bright, and calls forth one response.  There is no darkness, and there is no contrast.  There is no variation.  There is no interruption.  There is a sense of Peace so deep that no dream in the world has ever brought even a dim imagining of what it is.