Projection makes perception.  The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that.  For seeing can but represent a wish, because it has no power to create.  Yet it can look with Love or look with hate, depending only on the simple choice of whether you would join with what you see, or keep yourself apart and separate.  Damnation is your judgment on yourself, and this you will project upon the world.  See it as damned, and all you see is what you did to hurt the Son of God.  If you behold disaster and catastrophe, you tried to crucify him.  If you see holiness and hope, you joined the Will of God to set him free.  There is no choice that lies between these two decisions.

Behold the great projection, but look on it with the decision that it must be healed, and not with fear.  Nothing you made has any power over you unless you still would be apart from your Creator, and with a will opposed to His.  For only if you would believe His Son could be His enemy, does it seem possible that what you made is yours.  Remember the Son is the Effect, whose Cause he would deny.  The purpose now becomes to deny the cause of the effect, and make effect appear to be a cause.  It is as needful you recognise you made the world you see, as that you recognise that you did not create yourself. They are the same mistake. For if you think the world you made has power to make you what it wills, you are confusing Son and Father, Effect and Cause.

You may cause a dream, but never will you give it Real effects.  For that would change its cause and this you cannot do.  The dreamer of a dream is not awake, but does not know he sleeps.  What if you recognised this world is an hallucination?  What if you really understood you made it up?  What if you realised that those who seem to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder, and destroy themselves, are wholly unreal?  Could you have faith in what you see, if you accepted this?  And would you see it?

Hallucinations disappear when they are recognised for what they are.  This is the healing and the remedy.  Believe them not and they are gone.  And all you need to do is recognise that YOU did this.  Once you accept this simple fact, and take unto yourself the power you gave them, you are released from them.  It is impossible not to believe what you see, but it is equally impossible to see what you do not believe.  Freedom from illusions lies only in not believing them.  You cannot behold the world and Know God.  Only one is True, and the choice of which is true is not yours to make.

The Father keeps what He created safe.  You cannot touch it with the false ideas you made because it was created not by you.  What is Immortal cannot be attacked; what is temporal has no effect.  Let not your foolish fancies frighten you.  You are as God created you and so is every Living thing you look upon, regardless of the images you see.  What is of God is His forever and you are of God.  What was never True is not True now, and never will be.  The impossible has not occurred.  You have paid very dearly for your illusions, and nothing that you paid for brought you peace.  Are you not glad that Heaven cannot be sacrificed and sacrifice cannot be asked of you?