In Heaven, there is the Creator and the Created. In other words, there is God and there is you. Every Child of God is one in Christ, for his being is in Christ, as Christ's is in God. Nothing alive that is not part of God, and nothing is but alive in Him. Your creation is the natural extension of perfect purity. There is nothing created by God that does not share His shining Innocence. Within the holy circle of Creation is everyone whom God created as His Son.
The Kingdom of Heaven is the eternal dwelling place of the Son of God and His Father. Heaven is not a place, nor a condition. It is merely the awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else, nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within. God created you out of Himself, but still within Him. In the Kingdom, there is great appreciation for everything that God created because of the calm knowledge that each one is part of Him.
In the Kingdom, there is no teaching or learning because there is no belief. There is only certainty. Knowledge is eternal because certainty is not questionable. You are God's only creation, and He created you eternal. He knows what you are, and this knowledge he shares with you. To know is to be certain, and certainty is strength. Certainty is always of God, for Knowledge is power, and all power is of God.
"Be still and know that I am God". These words reflect Knowledge. Knowledge of permanence and unshakable being. The Peace of God which passeth understanding is totally incapable of being shaken by errors of any kind. God gave you this Peace, so that you could not be shaken, and could not be deceived. The Bible tells you to know yourself, or to be certain. The certain are perfectly calm, because they are not in doubt. They do not raise questions, because nothing questionable enters their minds. This holds them in perfect serenity, because this is what they share, knowing what they are. The children of Heaven live in the light of the blessing of their Father because they KNOW that they are as God created them.
peace of Heaven is the acknowledgment of perfect purity from which no one
is excluded. No illusion, in any form, stalks Heaven for Heaven
is wholly True. No difference enters, and what is all the same cannot
conflict. No separation is possible, and so there is no time, no
place and no state where God is absent. Heaven is a song of gratitude
and love and praise by everything created to the Source of its creation.