Author Info

The Author, Garret Baker, was born in Dublin in 1975. "The Runts of the Litter" was written by him when he was 22, while living in Galway, on the edge of Connemara, taking his influences from some of the strange characters he had met in Dublin and Galway, and his own directionless youth. It deals with the arrogance, uncertainty, and confusion of two young men wandering haphazardly from strange situation to strange situation over the course of one long weekend. Further synopsis has been banned.



The Runts of the Litter is a novel by Dublin writer Garret Baker published by A & A Farmar books and available at their web site. This page is a cover page leading to their address. The book has been positively reviewed by Brendan Kennelly, the Big Issues, and Trinity News. It is about to be launched in Dublin and

Info on the book
Info on the Author

Extract from the book
A & A Farmar: The publishers


other reviews will hopefully appear at a later stag.

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