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 Irish Resources
 My History
 Surgery Diary
 What's New
 Site changes log

I've started loosing track myself of what I've done and when to this site so this is just to help me in that respect. It'll also provide information for the terminally bored!!!

  • 1 November 99 Erm, somewhere along the line my logfile got eaten and all I have left is this one...Anyway I’ve switched over to doing this totally on the PC now and am playing with Net Objects which is a wonderful program but boy does it screw up your original HTML
  • 25 December, only a small update on the news page but it is a biggie!
  • 13 December, added news of my little trip to the UK, updated the changes page to reflect my bank account being straightened out and add a few more friends to my links page
  • 22 November updated the changes page again to show my passport turned up and a lot more good news on my news page:) Also added a few more friends and resources links and added the antijen ring to the bottom of my page. I know I haven't got the nice graphics yet, I forgot to download the logo :(
  • 3 October, updated the changes page to reflect voting information and added a little bit of good news to the news page.
  • 27 September, I know, I should try and update a little bit more often :) OK, updated the name changing page to reflect recent developments, added a few more links here and there to friends and general and updated my news page to say what I've been up to.
  • 26 July Updated news page, fixed my Deed Poll to reflect to finished document and updated the shops page with a few new details. Removed the newsflash about TS treatment in Turkey since I haven't been able to find out any more information.
  • 26 June Update my news page as transition looms and fixed a few links.
  • 8 June not a real update, I just found a stupid bug, I left out a TD and some browsers didn't mind and others (ie MSIE4) did. Argh!!!!
  • 27 May 98
     Added new section on changing your identity and this logfile and updated my news page.
  • 26 April 98
     Updated the links and friends pages.
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