Trevor Joyce
Born in Dublin in 1947, Trevor Joyce co-founded New Writers' Press in 1967 with Michael Smith. His Sole Glum Trek was the first volume issued by the Press. In 1976 Joyce published his working of the Irish text, Suibhne Gealt, in The Poems of Sweeny Peregrine eight years before Sweeney Astray, the same original in a version by Seamus Heaney. His stone floods was nominated for the 1995 Irish Times Literary Award for Poetry.
In 1997, Wild Honey Press published Syzygy, which comprises twelve skeletal 'lyrics' and their rigorous transformation by a computer spreadsheet to produce an analogue to Machaut's mediaeval cancrizans. Wild Honey Press will also be publishing the chapbooks Without Asylum and Hopeful Monsters during 1999. Joyce's work has recently appeared in The Recorder, Talisman Magazine , The Gig , SVP Magazine andShearsman. Some recent work is also available online at the Alsop Review site.
Sole Glum Trek (1967)
Pentahedron (1972)
The Poems of Sweeny Peregrine (1976)
About the Author
Introduction to SVP Reading (London 29/1/99)