A Statement by the Bishops of Brazil 

During their annual meeting, held in Itaici, the Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops of Brazil who, between 14th December 1997 and 17th December 1998, had welcomed the Relics of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus into their dioceses, were anxious to publish the following statement:

We have had the joy of welcoming the Relics of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus into our dioceses for a whole year. Today we are in a better position to evaluate the significance, importance and consequence of the visit of the Relics.

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus came among us as a missionary. She attracted the crowds. She touched the hearts of fervent Catholics. She reawakened the faith of many who had become indifferent. She brought to their Lord and Master countless numbers of people who practised no religion. She reached many men and women of other religions. In the course of her travels, there were accounts of many miracles and of favours of all kinds. The greatest of these was undoubtedly that of the endless queues; the crowds lining up night and day to be near Therese’s Relics. How often have we asked ourselves, what is the secret of her attraction? How is it possible for her to touch such a variety of people; young people and children, adults and the elderly, simple folk and the educated, who all recognised themselves in her message?

Therese did indeed promise that she would make a shower of roses fall after her death, but we are deeply convinced that her power of attraction in fact lies in the intensity with which she united herself with Christ. Jesus said, "Make your home in Me, as I make mine in you. Whoever remains in me, with Me in him, bears fruit in plenty." (Jn 15:4 – 5). We wish to testify and to proclaim that in St Therese of the Child Jesus, we have seen the confirmation of these words of Our Lord.

The travels of Therese’s Relics have been a grace for our dioceses. For this reason we are grateful to the Carmel of Lisieux for making it possible to welcome the Relics. It is with great joy that we commit ourselves to keep burning brightly the flame of Therese’s passing among us. We shall do this for the good of our individual Churches, and we shall do it above all for the Glory of God.

Itaici, Brazil, 15th April 1999

followed by the signatures of about 100 Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals

From Therese de Lisieux, September 1999