Bujinkan Byrne Dôjô

The College of Dance, De Valois House, 
5 Meetinghouse Lane, Mary's Abbey, Dublin 1

Instructor: Shidoshi Steve Byrne, Judan (10th Dan).
Monday: 8.00pm to 9.30pm,
Contact via: telephone: 087 2425592,
e-mail: skibyrne@indigo.ie

Shidoshi Steve Byrne, 
10th Degree Black Belt

Steve Byrne is the chief instructor of Bujinkan Ireland and the highest graded exponent of Hatsumi Sensei's Bujinkan Budô Taijutsu in Ireland. He currently holds the grade of 10th Degree black belt and has been involved in martial arts for over 26 years. You can read a profile of Steve in the Irish Fighter archives maintined on this site by clicking here

As well as his budo achievments, Steve is also a qualified practitioner of Hichi Buko Goshin Jutsu Ryu Amatsu medicine, with a private practice based outside Dublin in Portarlington, County Offaly. There will be a site dedicated to fully explaining the history and teachings of Amatsu Tatara in the near future, so keep checking back.

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