Star Trek
The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 United Federation of Planets

The Transporter;

T.O.S. heralded the 'transporter' craze. Although it is used in lots of different places, 'Beam me up Scotty', as Captain Kirk supposedly is to have said, was never said at all in T.O.S.

The Enterprise;

The Enterprise in this series is the original. It's weapon systems are phasersand a photon torpedo bay. It's defence system is a 'deflector shield' which blocks disrupter fire , phaser fire and any other weapon, but if the shields are damaged too much they are left idle until they can be repaired. The Enterprise moves on the 'warp' scale. The maximum it can go is warp 9.9. If it excedes warp 9.9, the Enterprise would be moving so fast that it would be at every point in space in the one moment. The two warp nacelles which make the ship travel at warp have to be isolated from the rest of the ship due to the powerful energy field that emanates from them.

The main section is the crew quarters and scientific research areas. The lower section is the engineering area and houses the main sensor array. The sensor array consists of a dish-like scanner which is used to search space. Whatever the sensors pick up, it is displayed on the view screen on the main bridge.

The Bridge;

The bridge is where all operations take place. The helmsman and navigator are seated in front of the view screen, the science station and engineering stations are on the sides and in the middle is the captains chair. The door leading from the bridge, like all doors on the Enterprise, slides open when someone walks towards them.

Landing party equipment;

While on a landing party, there are a few essential items needed. There is the Starfleet issue Phaser , a smaller hand version of the Enterprise phaser. This phaser can be set to stun, or kill. Then there is the tricorder. There are two types of tricorder, a scientific and a medical tricorder. Mr. Spock, when on a landing mission, uses the scientific tricorder, and Doctor McCoy uses the other. Also for Doctor McCoy is a medical kit. In order to communicate with the Enterprise and each other when split up, they each need a communicator.

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Star Trek: The Original Series

The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701