Star Trek: The Next Generation
United Federation of Planets

T.N.G. was acted by the cast of:

Patrick Steuart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Johnathon Frakes as Commander William Thomas Riker
Gates McFadden as Commander Beverly Crusher
Marina Sirtis as Commander Deanna Troi
Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data
Leavar Burton as Lt. Commander Geoirdi LaForge
Micheal Dorn as Lt. Commander Worf
Other minor characters:
Colm Meaney as Chief Miles O'Brien
Wil Wheaton as Ensign Wesley "The Traveller" Crusher
Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan

Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a bald French captain. He also likes archeology, and has a mechanical heart ever since a fight when he was a cadet.

Commander William T. Riker was born in Alaska and is the ship's first officer. A transporter accident created a double of himself, who is now in Starfleet.

Dr. Beverly Crusher is the chief medical officer aboard the Enterprise-D. She was once promoted to the head of Starfleet medical for a year, but soon decided to return to the Enterprise.

Deanna Troi is a Betazed, from Betazoid. She is empathic, like all Betazeds and is the ship's counseler.

Lt. Cmmdr. Data is an android. He was created by Dr. Noonian Soong, who also created Data's evil brother, Lore. Data is the only android in the galaxy with a stable posotronic network layer, making him unique.

Lt. Cmmdr. Geoirdi LaForge is the chief engineer of the Enterprise. He is blind, and has to wear a 'VISOR', enabling him to see the heat-signatures of everyone and everything else.

Lt. Cmmdr. Worf is the chief of secuirity on board the Enterprise. He is Klingon, the first of his kind to join Starfleet. He has a son, Alexander, and Worf has recently transfered to Deep Space Nine.

Other minor characters:

Miles O'Brien is the transporter chief on the Enterprise. He married Keiko Ishikawa, a botanist on the Enterprise and has one child named _ O'Brien. The three have now moved to DS9.

Ensign Wesley Crusher is the son of Beverly Crusher and he is a traveller. Yes, it's true! He was chosen by an alien from a distant planet to be his apprentist, enabling Crusher to go anywhere in the universe, even leave our timeline! He was once an ensign in Starfleet, but resigned to help a colony of Indians.

Guinan is a _. She is the ship's bartender on ten-forward, and helps out people who are in difficult situations.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701