Though differentiation and integration are always intimately related in experience they comprise uniquely distinct processes that require corresponding distinct methods of intellectual interpretation.
In the radial approach every stage entails a unique configuration of both differentiation and integration, with the precise relationship between both determining the very nature of the stage.
This leads to a significant reinterpretation of key development issues and an overall appreciation that is much more accurate in terms of experiential dynamics.

This particular version of the radial approach incorporates Holistic Mathematics which provides the appropriate tool for scientific encoding of all dynamic transformation processes.

It is presented in a Question and Response format so as to better facilitate the elaboration of many subtle issues pertaining to development.


1. Development - The Radial Approach

2 (a) The Circle of Integration (1)

2 (b) The Circle of Integration (2)

2 (c) The Circle of Integration (3)


3. Introduction to Holistic Mathematics

4. Basic Numbers and Operations

5. Differentiation and Integration

6. Four Types of Complementarity

7. Whole and Part (Multiplication and Division)

8. Type 0 Integration

9. Type 1 Integration

10 Type 2 Integration

11 Type 3 Integration (Preliminary Discussion)

12 Type 3 Integration (Continuing Discussion)

13 Type 3 Integration (Part A)

14 Type 3 Integration (Part B)


15 Looking For Perspective

Appendix - Genesis of Holistic Mathematics

16 Radial Development

17 Space and Time 1

18 Space and Time 2 (Part A)