7 - Types of Complementary Relationships

Just as there are three sets of polarities, equally there are three types of complementary relationships.

The first type - which I refer to as Type 1 complementarity - is based on polar aspects that are directly opposite each other.

In geometrical terms we represent polarities as the opposite ends of the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines of the circle (drawn in the complex plane).

What this means in effect is that all phenomena have both a "real" (conscious) and "imaginary" unconscious interpretation which are correspondingly represented by the real (horizontal) and imaginary (vertical) axes respectively.

When we consider polarities (that are consciously understood) in a dynamic bi-directional fashion, Type 1 complementarity applies. This understanding is primarily associated with H1 (subtle level).

However when we consider the more subtle relationship as between polarities that are understood with respect to the relation between their conscious ("real") and unconscious ("imaginary") manifestations, Type 2 complementarity applies. This is associated in turn with H2 (causal level).

Finally when we simultaneously combine both aspects (conscious and unconscious) - which is the closest we can come in the phenomenal realm to pure Spirit - and then attempt to interpret the relationship between this "complex" diagonal pairing (i.e. both "real" and "imaginary") with either "real" (horizontal) or "imaginary" (vertical) bi-directional understanding (considered separately), then Type 3 complementarity is required. This most subtle form of intellectual understanding is associated with H3 (nondual reality).

Remarkably Holistic Mathematics - where mathematical symbols are interpreted with respect to their dynamic integral significance - provides a fully coherent scientific structure for these increasingly complex (yet spiritually simple) forms of understanding.