10 - Relativity of Pre and Trans

Though there is a risk of becoming boringly repetitive on this point, it is worth stating - because of its key importance - a number of times.

So once again in asymmetrical terms the forward development of Spirit (the advancement of Spirit through progressive stages of development) has two directions i.e. transcendent and immanent, respectively.

Therefore when we associate the forward with the transcendent direction,  development will appear to progress asymmetrically from prepersonal to personal to transpersonal stages.

Likewise when we associate the forward direction of Spirit with the immanent aspect, again development will appear to progress asymmetrically from prepersonal to personal to transpersonal stages.

However, in dynamic relation to each other, the transcendent and immanent aspects move in opposite directions.

Thus in dynamic relative terms what is trans (from a transcendent direction) is pre from the corresponding immanent direction; likewise what is trans from an immanent, is pre from the corresponding transcendent direction.

Therefore in integral terms (where the interdependence of transcendent and immanent directions is recognised) trans and pre (and pre and trans) are merely relative terms, the precise meaning of which - in any given context - is strictly arbitrary (depending on the polar frame of reference).