real and imaginary aspects (cognitive and affective modes) and positive and negative aspects (objective and subjective directions).
The first stage of human evolution involves differentiating all of these aspects separately (i.e. bringing them to consciousness).
Originally all of these aspects are totally confused and undifferentiated. In this original binary state existence coincides with non-existence (1=0).
The first crucial transition involves the process by which finite and transfinite aspects begin to differentiate with actual reality separating from potential reality.
We now reach the prime state where quantitative objects (horizontal) are still confused with qualitative dimensions (vertical) exactly complementing the notion of prime numbers in mathematics.
The second transition involves the emerging differentiation of these real and imaginary aspects. Psychologically this entails the separation of cognitive (impersonal) from affective (personal) experience.
We next reach the natural state where positive and negative directions of experience are still largely confused.
The third transition involves the differentiation of these aspects. Psychologically this entails the development of an independent subjective self separate from a world of stable objects. This state is complemented by the set of integers which now consist of numbers with positive and negative directions.