IntroductionThe key task of the point level is the differentiation of the two modes of experience i.e. cognitive and affective which are - in mathematical terms - real and imaginary with respect to each other.
With both modes fully differentiated they now emerge harmoniously together, in experience, in complex terms.
Thus at the radial level, the world - in indirect linear terms - is "complex" rather than "real". Linear experience of the "real" world is therefore a reduced and distorted interpretation.
In conventional terms if I buy for example a can of oil, it will be considered a "real" can. What actually happens in such experience is that sense perceptions are deemed to directly correspond with rational concepts. They are thereby reduced to, and interpreted within the "real" rational paradigm.
In truth sense perceptions directly belong to the affective mode, which is qualitatively different from the cognitive rational mode. Relative to the cognitive mode - which is real the affective mode of sense impressions is imaginary. Thus properly understood the experience of a can of oil - or indeed any phenomenon - at the radial level, is understood as dynamically complex.
In mathematics, the real number system is a limited subset of the more general complex number system. In like manner, we can say in psychological terms that the real experience of the linear level, is a limited subset of a more general and integrated manner of understanding which emerges during the radial level i.e. complex understanding. Thus the experience of a "real" can of oil is simply a limited and reduced approximation of what in dynamic terms is more correctly understood as a "complex" can. In the first case the affective mode is subsumed under the cognitive mode and thereby misinterpreted. In the second case the affective mode - while interacting with the cognitive - maintains, in relative terms, its own identity.
Indeed the experience of this can of oil is even more subtle. Both real and imaginary aspects have positive and negative directions.
Thus the rational concept of "can" (in relation to the sense perception of a can) - which is the real aspect - has both positive and negative directions. The positive direction represents "can" (in relation to self). The negative direction represents the self (in relation to "can").
Likewise the sense impression of the perception of the can (in relation to the rational concept of "can") - which - in relative terms - is the imaginary aspect, has also positive and negative directions. The positive direction represents the can (in relation to self). The negative direction represents the self (in relation to the can).
We have here the perfect psychological counterpart to the complex number system in mathematics. Both the real (horizontal) and imaginary (vertical) axes - representing numbers have positive and negative directions. Likewise in psychological terms, the real (horizontal) axis representing the cognitive mode of reason, and the imaginary (vertical) axis representing the affective mode of intuitive sense, representing qualitative numbers, have both positive and negative directions. If the positive direction is objective, then in relative terms, the negative direction is subjective.
The other remarkable feature about complex experience is that dimensions seem to disappear. What in fact happens is that they become imaginary objects. In the complex experience of the radial level real objects have an alternative aspect as imaginary dimensions. Real dimensions in turn have an alternative aspect as imaginary objects.
Objects and dimensions now ceaselessly interpenetrate - in equal parallel - both in real and imaginary format.
The notion of the existence of one universe comes from the attempt to freeze dimensions by taking them as given. Thus in conventional science and even in relativity physics there is this limiting assumption of four dimensions of space and time. All objects therefore are deemed to exist in this one universe of space and time.
However in proper dynamic terms, there are as many dimensions as objects. Thus there exist an infinite number of parallel intersecting universes. In other words each phenomenon - at whatever level of existence - has a unique identity, yet interacts with all other objects. Each object therefore constitutes a single universe which interpenetrates with all other universes. The basic structure of this networking system of universes is given by the complex number system.
Transfinite Complex Paradigm
We have described conscious experience of the radial level in complex terms.
Unconscious experience - which in developed form is infinite or transfinite, can be described in like manner.
The real aspect of transfinite experience is the wave aspect of spiritual light (contemplation of transcendence).
The imaginary aspect of transfinite experience is the particle aspect of spiritual light (contemplation of immanence). Of course real and imaginary are now entirely relative terms.
The real aspect provides a universal spiritual dimension of wholeness to experience. The imaginary aspect provides a special uniqueness to everything in creation regardless of how minute.
There are positive and negative directions likewise involved. The positive direction of the real level relates to experience of the world, and the negative direction experience of self. At the radial level these directions are very closely harmonised. At one moment, the external world is spiritually illumined, at another moment the inner self. This becomes a such a dynamic pulsating display of light and darkness, that ultimately the light is indistinguishable from the darkness in what mystically is a luminous or dazzling darkness.
Simple Paradigm (Interpenetration of Finite and Transfinite)
The final stage involves the increasing interpenetration of both finite and transfinite experience. Both now serve as mirrors of each other in a dynamic fulfilling transforming manner. In mystical terms this is referred to as transforming union, where the tremendous spiritual energy - inherent in all phenomena - is greatly released. No further divisions remain in understanding. Directional split (i.e. external and internal polarities), has ceased. Likewise modal split (i.e. cognitive and affective polarities) has been eliminated. Now finally and most crucially process split (i.e. finite and transfinite polarities) nears completion. Experience becomes a dynamic seamless web of interconnecting events, both fully differentiated from, yet fully integrated with each other. Language now utterly fails, for this experience simultaneously involves the linear logic (of the separation of opposites) and the circular logic (of the complementarity of opposites. This is life, pure and simple.