Real Transcendental Stages Concrete
The mathematical example here is given by p1 and -p 1 (positive and negative directions).
The psychological equivalent relates to the advanced superstructures and understanding of the relationship between the (analytical) linear and (holistic) circular levels. Though these structures are highly subtle and intuitive they do require the use of
phenomenal symbols (for the purpose of expression) which inevitably involves a certain (rigid) linear aspect.As we have seen these transcendental structures lead to the formulation of a dynamic psycho-physical worldview (where psychological and physical reality are readily seen as mirrors of each other). This in turn is due to the high level of development of mirror structure activity. Thus as soon as phenomena are posited in experience, they are quickly negated (through mirror structures). This leads to a highly dynamic interaction between objective and subjective experience which greatly facilitates this new world view.
There are at least eight identifiable phases to this stage with dynamic interaction increasing through each phase.
Because during this concrete stage affective and cognitive experience still overlap to some extent, these transcendental structures are developed in relation to both modes.
Thus we have transcendental structures which are both intellectual and emotional respectively.