Indeed - in this qualitative sense - the fundamental structure of all psychological experience is mathematical. Holistic mathematics therefore provides a remarkably precise means for both interpreting and classifying the full spectrum of consciousness.
The spectrum of consciousness is typically classified in terms of various levels. There is general agreement in mystical traditions on four major levels e.g. gross, subtle, causal and ultimate. In my own mathematical approach these are referred to as the linear, circular, point and radial levels. As I will demonstrate the fundamental structure of these levels is intimately connected to a simple mathematical procedure involving successive roots of unity.
Within each level we have various stages which can all be classified in terms of the qualitative number systems.
There are many number types in mathematics.
Thus we have the rational numbers (as quantities) made up of the binary, prime and natural nos, and the fractions.
The corresponding qualitative numbers have a direct dynamic interpretation which correspond fully to the various stages of the linear level.
Then we have the negative and irrational numbers whose qualitative counterparts relate to the stages of the circular level.
The imaginary and transcendental nos. - qualitatively understood - define the stages of the point level.
Finally the transfinite and complex nos. - again qualitatively interpreted - define precisely the stages of the radial level.
However the best way of appreciating this approach is to see it in action.
So read on and enjoy!