The methodology of this Holistic Science is directly rooted in Holistic Mathematics (Holomatics), and offers a precise means of integrating reality at all levels.
In the posts I am concentrating directly on the implications of this new approach for the "hardest" of the sciences i.e. physics (at each stage of "higher" level development).
However it equally applies to all other disciplines psychology, philosophy, biology, economics etc. Indeed it can be fruitfully applied to mathematics itself giving fascinating (complementary) holistic interpretations of all its symbols, operations, hypotheses etc.
In some respects - as readers of this Forum will recognise - I am very critical of existing attempts East and West to map out the spectrum of consciousness.
In my opinion the precise relationship as between rational and intuitive structures at each of the "higher" levels has never been satisfactorily explained (East or West).
When I become interested in these matters some 30 years ago, I soon realised that a very different contemporary mapping would be required before the full scientific implications of these levels could be appreciated.
This "new" mapping has led remarkably to the unfolding of an entirely new type of mathematics - inherently dynamic in structure - which I call Holistic Mathematics.
Indeed as I outlined in detail on the Forum earlier in the year we can identify a distinctive type of Holistic Mathematics with each of the "higher" levels of the spectrum (what I term Holistic Mathematics 1, Holistic Mathematics 2 and Holistic Mathematics 3). These mathematical systems themselves have immense value in terms of the precise scientific integration of reality.
So the full range of mature mathematical systems (with their associated levels) are as follows:
L0 (Rational Linear Level) Conventional Mathematics
HL1 (Circular Level) Holistic Mathematics 1
HL2 (Point Level) Holistic Mathematics 2
HL3 (Null Level) Holistic Mathematics 3
Radial Reality - Comprehensive Mathematics 1&2.
Analytical and holistic aspects are combined during Radial Reality. With Comprehensive Mathematics 1 some degree of separation between both aspects remains. With Comprehensive Mathematics 2, a high level of interaction is obtained.
So in qualitative binary terms we can identify three broad types of mathematical approaches.
Firstly we have Analytical or Conventional Mathematics which is one-directional and static in orientation. This represents the linear approach (1)
Then we have the Holistic Mathematical approach which is two-directional (combining positive and negative polarities). These represent the circular approach (0).
Holistic Mathematics 1 is bi-directional in relation to horizontal polarities.
Holistic Mathematics 2 is bi-directional in relation to horizontal and vertical polarities.
Holistic Mathematics 3 is bi-directional in relation to horizontal, vertical and diagonal polarities.
(I went into the nature of each of these systems in considerable detail in earlier postings on this Forum).
Finally we have the comprehensive mathematical approach which combines analytical and holistic aspects. This represents both the linear and circular approach (1 and 0).
Holistic Science is based directly on the concepts of Holistic Mathematics.
So again in binary terms we can identify three broad types of scientific approach.
We have Conventional Science (based on the rational linear level)
Then we have Holistic Science (Holoscience) which comes in three forms Holoscience 1, Holoscience 2 and Holoscience 3 (related to the three "higher" levels respectively).
Finally we have Comprehensive Science or Radial Science (coming in two forms Radial Science 1, and Radial Science 2). This harmonises both analytical and holistic approaches.
As I say Holistic Science can be fruitfully applied - as a precise integrative tool - to any discipline. Furthermore it greatly facilitates the integration of these disciplines with each other.
In the present series of postings I am applying Holoscience 1 (based on the dynamic complementarity of horizontal polarities), to the understanding of physics. Even at this preliminary level, it leads to an entirely different dynamic appreciation (where physical and psychological reality are increasingly integrated).
I hope to continue - time permitting - with this series showing the relationship of Holoscience 1 to each stage of HL1.
However I want to stress again that this holoscientific approach can be fruitfully applied to any discipline (I have used it also for example in relation to Economics).
As we approach the new millennium I expect to see considerable transformations in scientific understanding. The old Cartesian model needs to be replaced by far more comprehensive systems (which include the old model as a special case).
Indeed I believe this transformation is already taking place.