Pharmachem Newsletter

Previous Newsletters

APRIL  1999



Pharmachem have printed Pet Record cards - a sample enclosed.  A supply of cards are available to members. The cards are designed to be retained in pharmacies as a record of the treatments pets have received. 
To obtain a supply of  pet record cards please contact Yvonne on 1-890-503458.

Pharmachem Wall Planner
Holiday Draw

Holiday draw coupons should be collected during April and retuned
to Boileau & Boyd.
Draw for holiday will take place during second week of May.


Pet Birthday Greeting Cards
Novartis will send A Birthday Greeting Card to customers' pets on behalf of Pharmachem pharmacies.  If members wish to avail of this service they should forward the pets names and birthday dates directly to Novartis,   Don't forget to include the pets address and details of your own pharmacy. 
All details should be forwarded directly to:

Novartis Animal Health 
Industrial Park,
Cork Road, 


Tegometall shopfittings for sale, in one lot preferably.  Display counters, shelving, pelmets, grees cross sign. 1,200 sq ft. Currently in use - please inspect at Hayes & Hayes Pharmacy.   Must be sold by end of May 99.  Contact Brendan (087) 2427885

Article published in Irish Farmers Journal April 24,1999

Substances that prevent cancer 
found in milk

Good, good news for milk.  Natural substances which can prevent cancer are found in relatively high levels in milk and dairy products. Good news indeed ! And, even better news for Irish milk producers.  Because milk produced from grass contains three times more of these substances than milk produced from in-door diets.  Ireland is one of the few countries producing a natural product which helps prevent cancer.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is the name of the anti-cancer substance found in milk.  French researcher Lavilloniere and colleagues at the University of Tours have just released information which clearly shows that CLA prevents breast cancer in women.  The trial was carried out on 360 women who underwent surgery for breast cancer.  The researchers measured the CLA content of fat in the breast. This is a direct reflection of the CLA content in the diet. 
They found that women who had high CLA content in breast fat tissue, were six times less likely to have breast cancer, than women with low CLA levels. 
Studies in other countries have also identified positive effects of CLA
* Norway - adults eating CLA-rich foods had 20% less bodyfat than adults on low CLA diets.
* Finland - women who ate diets rich in dairy products had lower breast cancer rates than women on diets low in dairy products.
* USA - studies on rats and mice have shown that dairy products reduce cancer tumours.
CLA is produced naturally in the cow's rumen and transferred to milkfat.  According to John Murphy of Moorepark, "CLA has been shown to be protective against heart disease, certain types of cancer and obesity.  CLA also acts as an antioxidant and growth promoter".
"Milk and meat from ruminants are rich sources of CLA" says John.
 "More CLA is produced by cows on pasture than by cows on indoor diets.  The CLA content of milk compares very favourably with other commonly used foods".

American scientist , Prof. Dal Bauman says the CLA has two distinct advantages over other naturally occurring anticarcinogens.  "CLA is potent at extremely low levels and it is present in the milk and meat from ruminant animals.  I certainly think CLA will change the public's perception of dairy products ."


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