Nick Larter, MBA (Technology), B.Sc. (Hons) - Technology Troubleshooter

- consultancy and management services in new technologies -


Around and About in County Clare

Ennis - Information Age Town

In 1997, Ennis won Telecom Éireann's Information Age Town competition, a multi-million IR£ flagship project is to establish as a testbed an entire community of industry, business, and home users with access to state-of-the-art telecommunications services. Now in progress is the construction of a broadband ring around Ennis to accommodate users with very high volumes of information and data and this will be followed by programmes to accelerate the availability of ISDN, ensure that all schools have fully equipped computer rooms and Internet access and provide every home in Ennis with a personal computer and Internet access at very low cost. Home Pages concerning aspects of the Information Age Town project are as follows:-

Co. Clare - Travel and Accommodation Information

Map of Co. Clare:-

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Last update: 28/June/00