Unix on a Mac

Unix is very quickly eating up operating system market share. How long the Linux fad will last has yet to be seen, you need to at least have a pretty good idea of what you are up to when installing it, and while the software that is available is quickly growing the day when everyone's favourite games will be available for Linux is far far away. Up until not so long ago Linux was a largely IBM-PC world, but with the resurgence of the Mac in recent years a number of versions have sprung up. Some of the information below may be a little out of date, so if you see something dodgy let me know;
No point in me writing any more about it, it's all on the LinuxPPC website so if you want to know more go take a look.  Pricing is $32 + $6 handling and shipping to have a CD sent to you, or download all 600MBs for free. Personally I think it would definately be worth getting the CD, save you the disk space and the time to download it. Preorder v5 and get v4.1 sent to you now for no extra charge!
Pricing is $45 (or is it $50) + post & packaging.

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This page was last modified on Sunday, 4th April 1999.