Although the initial costs of implementing the MSDP proposal may be in the region of one million pounds,. the good news is that it will be more than offset by the various benefits that will flow from it:
1. The school period will reduced by two or three years, and graduates will not have the burden and embarrassment of an age disadvantage on entering the job market;
2. Remedial and visiting teachers will be no longer required;
3. Only half the teachers will be required [the oral class about 6 pupils per teacher, while an ISL teacher can handle 12-14 pupils];
4. Sign Language classrooms can be much bigger [when Cabra boys school was leading the world a century ago they had 140 pupils in several classes in one room]. Oral classrooms can have only one 6 or 7-pupil class, and they must be acoustically treated and rigged out with expensive electronic equipment;
5. The 0-6 schools can be in small units, like many of the Montessori schools, and strategically located to reduce traveling;
6. Rehabilitation, for education purposes, will be vastly reduced;
7. Much more deaf students will be able to continue education in the third level and it is possible for the MSDP to one day provide ASL/BSL/ISL university facilities similar to Gallaudet University i n Washington, DC [more and more hearing university lecturers in the USA are becoming fluent in ASL];
8. There will be a more varied range of job opportunities available, especially in the expanding computer and information technology fields;
9. There will be less social casualties as the deaf will be better able to manage their own affairs; as ISL becomes more widespread among families, school children and hearing people in general, as ASL is in America, communication problems and the problem of interpreter shortages will diminish.