Crean, Edward J. * Breaking the silence: The Education of the Deaf in Ireland 1816-1996 (Irish Deaf Society Publications, Dublin 1997) £9.99 (plus £3.00 p&p)
Mahshie, Shawn N. * Educating Deaf Children Bilingually : With Insights and Applications from Sweden and Denmark. (Gallaudet University, Washington D.C 1995) £21.99 (plus £3.00 p&p)
Matthews, Patrick A. * The Deaf Community (Volume 1): Survey report, history of education, language and culture. (The Linguistics Institute of Ireland, Dublin 1996) £10.00 (plus £3.00 p&p)
Report of the committe on the Status of the People with Disabilites: A Strategy for Equality: ( Department of Equality and Law Reform. Dublin. 1996)
Report of the Special Education Committe, (Department of Education 1993)
Swan, Ethna. Report of the Study on the Dublin School for the Deaf. ( The Catholic Institute of the Deaf, Dublin. 1994)
White Paper on Education: Charting our Education Future (Department of Education 1995)
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