Ancient Egypt Fan
Ireland's collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities, which for the past 250 years was displayed either in large or small collections in a variety of locations, is now housed permanently in our National Museum Dublin. Previous locations include, the Ulster Museum in Belfast, the Boole Library in University College Cork, the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, the Hunt Museum in Limerick and the National Museum of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin.
The National Museum has the largest collection of Egyptian antiquities in Ireland, exhibited in a small section on the first floor and is open to the public at present. Numerous pieces are kept in the storeroom and are unable to be exhibited in the room because of it's limited size. In all, there is about three thousands artefacts. Records show the first known Egyptian mummy, arrived at Dublin port in April 1754. Some Egyptian antiquities were brought to Dublin by the Earl of Charlemont in April 1780 after his "Grand Tour" of Italy. Irish travellers bought antiquities in Egypt and brought them to Ireland in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many items were donated also, to the National Museum of Science and Art, (later of Ireland) between 1850 to 1920.
Many thousands of artefacts were found in excavations by Frederick W. Green, Sir William Flinders-Petrie, James Edward Quibell, Professor Naville, John Garstang, Miss Margaret Alice Murray and others in the Nile Valley. These contributed largely to the new museum by Egypt Exploration Fund, (Later Society) British School of Archaeology and Egyptian Research Account London founded from 1880 to 1915. In 1909 Miss Margaret Murray (1863-1963) British Egyptologist, arrived in Dublin and stayed for many months. She researched and registered the newly acquired Egyptian artefacts for the first published catalogue. This General Guide to the Art Collections included - Part III Egyptian Antiquities - Chapter I. Sculpture, Inscriptions, Ostraka, Egyptian Writing. Chapter II. - Mummies. Chapter III. - Pottery, Faience, Metal and Small Objects, in Dublin in 1910. Mr. Francis Llewellyn Griffith (1862-1934), British Egyptologist, later revised the translations of the inscriptions on stelas, mummies, fragments and statues etc.
Last revised 25th Nov 2001