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Major Highlights in and around ESI since its inception in 1987
Dec 1987
ESI founded in Dublin.
July 1991
Dr. Rosalie David visits ESI. She is a noted expert on mummies and mummification and is attached to Manchester University. She has appeared on many TV documentaries, most notably the "Chronicle" series on BBC 2. She gave a public lecture on Mummies being studied by the Manchester Mummy Team. The lecture took place in the Usher Room in Trinity College Dublin and was well attended. She visited the Boole Library in University College Cork to view the mummy on display there. She also visited the Rock of Cashel and the Egyptian artefacts in the National Museum prior to her return.
Nov 1993
The ESI presented a public lecture in Trinity College Dublin by Jack J Jenssen of the Petrie Museum, University College London, entitled "Artisans of the Valley of the Kings". His wife Mrs Rosalind Janssen also gave a lecture to ESI members on "Wardrobes for Life and Death in New Kingdom Egypt". Both lectures were well attended.
Nov 1995
ESI member Ciaran Branigan gave his lecture "The Mortuary Temples of the West Bank" to society members.
Jan 1996
David Breslin, Secretary of ESI, presented a lecture and slide show on "KV5 - Tomb of the sons of Ramesses II in the Valley of the Kings" to ESI members.
Jan 1997
Egyptian Exhibition of 580 artefacts is officially opened in the National Museum of Ireland. Members of the ESI attended the opening, which was performed by Tanaiste Mr. Dick Spring T.D. (Deputy Prime Minister).
Feb 1997
A series of lectures on Ancient Egypt was arranged by the National Museum to coincide with the opening of the new exhibition. Lecturers included Dr. John Taylor (Dept. of Antiquities, British Museum), Mr. Adrian Kennedy (National Museum of Ireland), Prof. Hassan Fekri (Dept. of Egyptology, University College London) and Prof. Brian MacGing (Trinity College Dublin).
Aug 1997
The ESI present a special lecture on "The Tomb of Maya - Overseer of the Treasury of Tutankhamun" by Dr. Jacobus Van Dijk (Egyptologist at the University of Groningen, Netherlands). This excavation was a joint effort by the Egypt Exploration Society (EES) and the Leiden Mission in Saqqara. The lecture was very well attended.
Dec 1997
The ESI celebrated the 10th anniversary of its existence, which was marked by a lecture on "The Gold of the Pharaoh's" given by Miss Ena Kaye of University College Dublin. A celebration party followed this lecture.
Jan 1998
To mark the 50th issue of the ESI Newsletter, each society member gets a copy of "Stereoscope Views of Egypt and Nubia" as a supplement to the normal newsletter, courtesy of David Breslin, Sectretary and founder member of ESI.
May 1999
Dr. Brian MacGing (Trinity College Dublin), a noted papyrologist, who works on photographs of ancient texts, speaks at the International Convention of Historians held in Cork.
Oct 1999
The National Museum of Ireland organise a series of lectures on Ancient Egypt. The speakers included Dr. Stephen Kirk (Petrie Museum, University College London), Dr. Brian MacGing (Trinity College Dublin), Dr. John Taylor and Ms Renee Friedman (Dept. of Antiquities, British Museum).
Oct 2001
Dr. Zahi Hawass, Director General of the Giza Plateau visits Ireland, giving lectures in Dublin and Cork on "The Valley of the Golden Mummies". Members of the ESI get an opportunity to meet Dr. Hawass at a reception given in his honour hosted by the Egyptian Embassy and the National Museum. Dr. Hawass is the foremost authority on Ancient Egypt and appears regularly in the media and has promoted his beloved subject all over the world.
The ESI would like to acknowledge the help and encouragement given to our society by the Egyptian Embassy in Ireland and in particular by his excellency the ambassador Mr. Rashed.