Moytirra East

Known locally as the Giant's grave, belonging to a giant who was killed in the battle of Moytirra, this is in fact a Court Tomb belonging to the Neolithic period. It has the remains of a U shaped roofless Court leading to a gallery of four chambers. These would of been covered by a cairn which has since dissappeared probably used for local walls and roads. The court may have been used for rituals and used as access to the gallery. There are a number of other boulders lying around the tomb but may not belong to this structure as there are a lot of erratic boulders in this area. Other sites in Moytirra include the Labby Rock and Heapstown Cairn.


Situated: From the N 4 take a right turn for Ballyfarnon, as you come to Ballyfarnan take a left for Highwood then take the first right after Highwood the megalithic site is in the field beside the first house on your right .There is an information sheet on the wall next to an iron gate.


Click on Pics for higher resolution image. Photos: Jim Dempsey


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