Creevykeel Court


Dating from the Neolithic Period, 4000-2500 BC, This site is one of the finest examples of a Court Cairn in Ireland. It has a cairn, entrance passage, an oval court and a double chamber gallery. The Tomb was excavated in 1935 and shortly afterwards restored. The Cairn is wedge shaped and the court (where ritual rites were performed) is some 50 feet in length.

The excavations uncovered four cremation burials, decorated and undecorated Neolithic pottery, flint arrow heads, polished stone axes and other artefacts, including a chalk ball. This is an amazing site and would I strongly recommend that you take the time to visit this fine tomb the next time you are in the area.

Situated on the N15 Sligo-Bundoran road. From Sligo City drive north on the Donegal road to Cliffoney, at the second turn off for Mullaghmore is a crossroads, immediately after is a car-park on the right .The Court Tomb is situated behind the wall by the car-park.

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Photos: Jim Dempsey.


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