
Clontygora Court tomb is beautifully situated on a hillside in South Armagh, it is Y shaped with a large burial gallery at the centre. Some of the stones that line the forecourt look quite spectacular, the highest reaching about two and a half metres, pictured top left.

Pictured right is an image of the courtyard viewed from the right hand side looking towards the entrance of the chamber. Below is a shot of one of the capstones, in this picture you can also see one of the massive stones that line the sides of the burial gallery.
The image below was taken from the back of the tomb at the tail of the Y shape The size of the cairn that enclosed this tomb is difficult to make out. The tomb was excavated in 1937 and evidence of cremations were found amongst other neolithic artifacts. For atmosphere alone I would recommend you visit this amazing megalithic structure.

Situated: About four miles south of Newry, travel south across the border, take the first left (signposted Clontygora) at the very end of this road you will come to a T-Junction, here you take a right turn and the Tomb is in a field on your left, well signposted.

Discovery Map 29: 098 195. Last visit February 2004.

Click on Pics for higher resolution image. Photos: Jim Dempsey.



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