
Situated on the South side of Ballymacdermot mountain, County Armagh, this court tomb offers excellent views of the Meigh plain and surrounding countryside. As you can see from the picture top left the court forms the best part of a circle with the largest stones furthest away from the chambers.



The Tomb consists of a court and three chambers, the chambers are separated by jambs, these can be seen in the middle picture on the right. The chambers are now roofless but originally they had a corbelled roof traces of which can be seen in the second chamber. This is a beautifully situated tomb and well worth visiting.

Photos: Jim Dempsey.Click on Pics for higher resolution image.

Situated: From Newry drive South from the first roundabout take the B113 west then take the first right after about a mile you come to a T-Junction take a right here, the tomb is situated on your right just after the turn and is sign-posted.

Discovery Map 29: J 066 240. Last visit June2003.


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