13 February 2003, last updated
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                 Commission                                                          for Propaganda

June 2001 Referendums:

        1. Nice                            2. International            3. Judicial                 4. Death
                Treaty (EU)                Criminal Court               Behaviour                  Penalty
                                                      (ICC)  (UN)

6 March 2002:  Referendum on Abortion.

                                                                              (u/c = under construction) INTRODUCTION:
Amongst the major trends over the last few years has been a decline in diversity, pluralism and choice in politics and the media.  This has been the case internationally since the ending of the Cold War, and it is particularly evident in Ireland.

Accompanying this trend has been a move towards more openness in political matters.  With control over knowledge has gone a shift in a significant amount of effective political power from elected politicians to the international bureaucracies, the EU and the UN, to non-elected non-governmental organisations, and to the media.   The public seems to have become, without complaint, more absorbed in distractions, and less interested in the real issues that are bringing about fundamental changes in their lives.

Change is now taking place at a breathtaking pace, and in the opinion of Irish Media Review, without adequate information, or reflection, on the consequences.

This section of IMR, "Off the Record!" is an attempt to place in the public domain, vital information which in our view has not been adequately represented, regardless of intent, on the public record.

This section of the IMR will be under continuous construction throughout 2001.  We intend making it worth your while calling again, and hope you will!
